Testimonial Motor Yacht Ouranos

6 February 2018|CCS News, Refit|

CCS executed paint surveys on Motor Yacht Ouranos CCS executed 2 paint surveys on MY Ouranos: in 2016 and just recent in 2018. MY Ouranos is a superyacht of 50 meters length and is in service since May 2016. Testimonial MY Ouranos The Owners Representative, Geomat Yacht Consultancy, appointed CCS to act as their paint consultant.  We are very pleased that we received [...]

Christmas whishes

21 December 2017|CCS News|

Christmas wishes Dear relation, The year 2017 is almost over. December is for many companies a month of look back. At CCS we find it the ideal month to refuel energy for a full new year with beautiful things for our customers. This year was a good year. Our consultants have been working from Turkey to Spain, from USA to [...]

Avoid orange peel

21 December 2017|CCS News|

What is orange peel? Orange peel is a coating characteristic resulting in a surface appearance like the skin of an orange. Besides the measurements of gloss, the visual appearance of a superyacht is dictated by the uniformity of the surface and the reflected image effects. The reflected image effects are determined by contrast (Haze) and Distinction of Image (DOI). [...]

Sanding: a hard job to get it right

5 December 2017|CCS News|

Sanding with longboards We, at CCS, have a great respect for the man working on Refits at superyachts. Especially for the people sanding with longboards. It is teamwork, coordination and a hard job to get it right. Keep on doing the good work!

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