We firmly believe that a succesful refit starts with thorough analysis and negotiation of all documentation and contracts. With all the paperwork properly in place and agreed upon by all parties you’ll be all set for a trouble-free repaint, especially with a CCS coating consultant on location, ready to assist when and where needed.
Intermediate inspections
Intermediate inspection should then take place during the paint application process, making sure that appropriate workmanship is displayed by the contractor. Your CCS coating consultant can then manage, measure, adjust, advise and coach your project to completion, working in harmony with the shipyard, contractor, paint manufacturer and you, our client.
Once it’s time to sign off the work a final survey will paint a clear picture of the new paint’s technical and aesthetical qualities. These results can then be objectively compared to the pre-agreed acceptance criteria, giving you a firm position when challenging the shipyard’s/contractor’s performance.
We have coating advisors in all major refit yards.
Please contact our office today on +31 (0) 35-75012150 or send us an e-mail on info@ccsyacht.com
Further reading
The 6 keys to refit paint success
Refit? Consider a tender procedure managed by CCS.